




*I have fixed this issue
Some functions of “Hearthstone” run on the 25.2.1 version of the programming store, which requires Visual Studio 2015, 2017, 2019, 2022.
According to my past experience, installing a graphics card or motherboard driver will also install VC,But in the past only installing the NVIDIA driver worked fine.

Microsoft Visual C++ Redistributable
(install X86 and X64 versions at the same time)
X86 version: aka.ms/vs/17/release/vc_redist.x86.exe
X64 version: aka.ms/vs/17/release/vc_redist.x64.exe

If you still can’t solve it, please try the following steps

  • Checklist of items

1.Windows update.
2.Date and time correction.
3.Update the network and independent graphics card drivers.
4.Install Microsoft Visual C++ Redistributable (2015~2022 X86 and X64, need to be installed at the same time).
5.Delete the appdata Blizzard cache folder.
6.Reinstall the game to scan and repair.
7.Hearthstone application enable firewall.
8.Replace the network test or temporarily close the anti-virus software.

Oh! My store is open now!
Thanks @Advantage

I just won’t be using the store in the future.

below for japanese

私は、以下のURLより、 Visual Studio 2015, 2017, 2019, and 2022のインストールをしたところ、ショップが開きました。
Microsoft Visual C++ Redistributable